Monday, February 20, 2012

Put a sign in your window -- Bye, Bye to Sam Farr -- 1080 KSCO Santa Cruz

Just put a sign in your window or on your car -- Bye, Bye to Sam Farr -- said one of the talk show hosts on 1080 KSCO.  You can hear him Mondays, Tuesdays and Wednesdays from 12 Noon to 2 PM.

So, in lieu of a sign, here's a Blog. Sam Farr Out!!

 Purpose is to inform and educate Santa Cruz and Monterey  voters regarding Democrat Sam Farr.

Do any of you remember the Town Meetings concerning Obama-Care?  There were 3 or 4 Town Meetings and they were taped by 1080 KSCO.  Sam Farr came to town to tell voters how he was going to vote. Farr did not come to listen. And he did not  hear.

Sam Far supported and supports Obama-Care.  Let's repeal Obama-Care. Let's Vote Sam Farr OUT.

written by